R&P Co. Grasys staff attend in-service training on a regular basis

11 July 2024

R&P Co. Grasys has a successfully running in-service training program for employees in line with which company’s specialists attend various general and special competence courses, thus improving their knowledge and skills. On a regular basis within the program lectures, educational seminars, practical courses are hosted, and leading instructors providing training in various areas are invited.

Shop floor staff complete vocational training to master the skills required. R&P Co. Grasys makes arrangements for staff training in occupational safety and health, fire safety, electrical safety codes and regulations, industrial safety certification, non-destructive testing certification, and others.

A special attention is focused on industrial safety certification. Given that facilities of most of our Customers are reported to be highly hazardous, all and any Grasys engineers complete training and certification by Rostekhnadzor in a number of areas.

News date:  11.07.2024 09:55:00

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