The Russian research and production company Grasys received the delegation of the Kazakhstan leading oil and gas companies on a working visit. In the course of the fourteen-day stay, the delegation visited one of the RPC Grasys APG treatment plants currently in operation. The parties held successful negotiations and discussed the most promising areas of further cooperation.
The delegation also visited the associated petroleum gas treatment complex in the field operated by the Russian major oil company. The station superior quality was specially highlighted by the companies’ representatives who were able to inspect from within and test the new monitoring and control system developed by the Grasys ACS and C&I departments.
The main topics of the meeting were the prospects for application of the Grasys advanced technology for associated petroleum gas recovery at Kazakhstan oil producing enterprises and the experience of equipment operation in Russia. A number of agreements were reached with regard to future development of projects for natural and associated petroleum gas conditioning, treatment and drying.
By the oil and gas condensate production level, Kazakhstan ranks among the top twenty oil producing countries. The hydrocarbons production in the republic increased almost 4-fold – from 20 MTPA in 1994 up to 78 MTPA in 2009. According to the long-term forecasts, the oil and gas condensate production may total 140 MTPA by 2020.
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