RPC Grasys supplied to Ukraine first gas-fired nitrogen compressor station

In January 2013, RPC Grasys supplied the first gas-fired nitrogen compressor station to the State Joint-Stock Company Chernomorneftegaz. The company is the major oil and gas producer operating in the fields of the Black Sea and Azov Sea and one of the leading Ukrainian oil companies.

The station capacity is 1,000 cubic meters of 95% nitrogen per hour. The station is arranged as two skid-mounted block-boxes. The supplied compressor station is used for production of high-pressure nitrogen supplied to the company process circuits.

The unique feature of this equipment produced by RPC Grasys is the use of natural gas as a fuel. This helps significantly reduce Customer operating costs and provides a number of benefits in the field conditions. The station is simple in operation and allows avoiding extra outlays for installation of expensive additional equipment.

News date:  07.02.2013 11:11:00

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